Monday, 25 April 2022

UPDATED: Where you can find me on social media

So... in the news today is the acquisition of Twitter by Elon Musk, for $44 billion that he found down the back of his sofa. 

How will Twitter change? It's hard to say right now - and it will be a shame if it becomes unusable as it's been a great place for me personally for reaching out to meet fellow authors and other people involved in the writing community. I'll wait and see how changes take effect - but it won't be the first platform that's come and gone if that's what happens. Somewhere out there are the shambling ghosts of my Google+ and Livejournal accounts, let alone the likes of Usenet and Geocities. 

What it does highlight is the importance of having more than one outlet - and so here's an update on where you can find me on various parts of social media. This might also be the prompt to get me to finally get round to starting a newsletter - but more on that if I do. 

So where can you find me? 

Well, while I'm still on Twitter, you can find me here

Then of course there's right here on this blog. 

What about Facebook? Why yes, I do have a page there, and you can visit me here. That said, Facebook has done its best to limit visibility of pages in order to encourage people to pay to promote them. So you're welcome to come by, but I won't be too surprised if the algorithm doesn't let you see me! 

I'm also on Goodreads, which I mainly use to post reviews and monitor my reading challenge for the year. You'll find me here

I not so long ago restarted my Instagram account - you'll find that here and my Tumblr account here.

You'll find a couple of my stories over at Wattpad. Those same stories are here on this blog though, so have a read right here and tell me what you think! 

I also have a YouTube channel with some readings of stories, which I'm aiming to build up a little more too. More on that news in the next couple of months. Check out my reading of The Secret War right here: 

I'm also trying out a couple of new (to me) networks. 

You can find me on Mastodon here and on Counter Social here.

What will the future bring? Hard to say. I'm not dashing to leave Twitter just yet - but I'm wary the changes there might encourage trolls and misinformation. I hope not. But if you need to find me, I'll be at least a few of the places above. 

See you out there!

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