Saturday, 18 April 2020

BOOK LAUNCH: Anki Legacies, by S Shane Thomas

Shane Thomas is a member of the SciFi Roundtable, a group of authors on Facebook who blow off steam, chat about their work, sharpen their skills and are really encouraging to one another. He has a new book out, and I said to him hey, want to mention it over on my blog? And here we are. Anki Legacies. Take it away, Shane, tell folks all about it. 

What if human civilization was not initiated by the ingenuity of our hunter gatherer ancestors in prehistory? What if a race of magical beings descended to Earth from the stars? Would the science and technology of modern man be enough to remain the dominant species if such a race reemerged?

Four novels and three short stories will unveil Earth’s ancient civilizers for better or worse. Three generations of the Rogers family and their extraordinary friends chase the Anki from the present day, to mankind’s Stone Age, into the stars, and across other worlds to learn if humanity can ever be truly free of the Anki Empire.Each story brings us face to face with danger and adventure. Years of martial arts training deliver immersive action scenes that will leave your heart pounding.

I know you’ll enjoy reading these Sci-fi Adventures as much as I enjoyed writing them!

Check out the book here and you should follow Shane on Twitter. You'll find him right here

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