Tuesday 9 July 2019

KICKSTARTER: Discover Bete Noir - a comic of morality, corruption and redemption.

Mad Robot Comics is a happy crew of creators, not one of whom is a robot (as far as we're aware) but all could conceivably called mad. They've dropped by the blog before - you may well remember their previous appearances - and here they are again to promote Bete Noir, a new comic from Andrew Clemson, Kris Wantowhy and the ever hard-working Matt Hardy.

Bete Noir is something different from the Mad Robot Comics crew. Something new.

The eagle-eyed French speakers will raise a circumflex-shaped eyebrow at that title, of course - but Mad Robot supremo Matt Hardy is on that case.

"Bête noire is a French term that means something or someone that causes fear or dread. Essentially, your bête noire is the bane of your existence. 

"Why we called our new book Bete Noir will become apparent - but the different spelling is intentional. Got to get up early to catch us out!"

Different indeed - for Bete Noir is set in a world where the age of heroes has been long forgotten. 

The story is by Andrew Clemson - the man who forced Star Bastard (Scout Comics) on the world - and with art by Kris Wantowhy (Red Letter Day). 

Matt Hardy tells us a little more. 

"The most feared vigilante of days past, The Djinn, is back from supposed death to exact revenge on his betrayers," he said. "But is the man in the costume the same as he was all those years ago - or is he something altogether….different?"

BETE NOIR #1 is the 28-page opening chapter of a gripping six part series, described as a story about morality, corruption and redemption in the vein of PAYBACK, RED and JOHN WICK.

BETE NOIR is current funding on Kickstarter -https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/153289885/bete-noir-1 - follow the link for more preview art from the book. 

Maybe the world does still need superheroes - even screwed-up ones. 

You can keep up to date with Mad Robot Comics on Twitter at @MadRobotComics or on Facebook here

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