Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Meet the filmmaker: A Q&A with Tony McCartney

Tony McCartney is a Bahamian filmmaker who makes his directorial debut on Thursday this week with his movie This Life. He stopped by the blog for a chat ahead of the premiere. 

Hi Tony, So, This Life is out this week at Galleria – how nervous or excited are you right now? 

Wow I can't describe it. A mixture of both!! 

What's your elevator pitch for This Life? The hook – sum up in one line what will make people want to see this movie? 

An all-Bahamian tale that turns into a nightmare.

This has been a project long brewing for you, I understand, what was it that made you step it up from the idea in your head to a movie in production? 

My career stopped suddenly after returning from a film festival. All of my friends were working except me and I got tired of sitting waiting for the phone to ring again.

What was the original inspiration behind it? 

A group of guys I grew close to over the years of working at my day job introduced me to the high life, flashy cars, money, champagne, vip sections, etc.

You've had high moments and low moments over your acting career – I know you cite ending up with your work on a cutting room floor as a low point, for example. This Life aside, what would be your highest point before now? 

Definitely working on a US red carpet and finally being recognised as a capable lead actor, something The Bahamas continues to fail at doing. Actors don't exist here.

This movie sees you in the director's chair – does that bring a different perspective to your acting work? If so, how does it change that perception? 

Being a director was always the scariest thing on Earth for me to do. I'm like ok I know how to take direction... can I give it?? Can I really manage myself and ten other personalities at the same time? Will they listen to me? I'm glad I chose the right bunch for this film.

As an actor, what would you say are your strengths? And what do you enjoy most about taking on the different roles you do? 

I love anything that portrays someone under a struggle, whether it's addiction or someone who's underdog and not expected to succeed. Someone disliked. I do well in those roles. I enjoy becoming roles I wouldn't necessarily be in real life. Lol acting gives me an escape from my mundane life of counting other people's money all day.

This week is the movie's debut – what are your plans after that? 

Definitely writing. Quiet time for more writing. And getting into journalism more.

And is there a next project waiting in the wings? 

Not as yet but many ideas on the table!!!

This Life debuts at the Galleria cinemas on Thursday, August 11. You can follow Tony McCartney on Twitter at @KeithBrooks242.

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