Friday 11 March 2016

Altered Instinct now on Twitter - why the new account?

By Stephen Hunt

A short post today just to mention that Altered Instinct is now on Twitter too. We've gone with a really, super-complicated Twitter address. It's @alteredinstinct. Shocker, I know.

Now, a lot of you keep up with us through tweets from our friends over at Inklings Press - so why another Twitter address? Well, there's things that Altered Instinct puts up that have nothing to do with the good folks at Inklings - such as our regular podcast reviews - and there's things that Inklings does that might not be why you're following Altered Instinct. So it seemed a plan to have a separate Twitter account so things didn't seem out of place. 

I'm also planning some new things here at Altered Instinct, such as interviews with podcasters, that again might not quite fit to mention via Inklings Press. 

In addition, my personal Twitter, @chippychatty, deals a lot with my regular daily work as a journalist - so having a separate Twitter in which I can more comfortably let people know about my writing work has been something I've been thinking about for a while. It sometimes feels wrong to be telling people about my writing alongside the more serious subjects in the news of the day, so... Altered Instinct Twitter it is. 

If you're a regular follower, swing by and say hi - and nag me to come follow you. Throw me some links to your own writing too, would love to read and share. And if you're a podcaster, tell me about your show - I'm always on the look out for new shows to review. 

See you in the Twitterverse!

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