I saved my Weight Watchers points all week. My phone vibrates. The screen reads "Sunday dinner cancelled."
#SuperShortHorror #Inklings
— Alicia Audrey (@_AliciaAudrey) October 25, 2015
As one, they all put their clocks back, deferring the apocalypse by just another hour. #inklings #scaryshortstory
— Inklings Press (@InklingsPress) October 25, 2015
Dead, you think you're dead? You're not dead, now quit screaming, at least until the oven warms, then scream all you want. #inklings
— Morgan Porter (@MorgWriter) October 24, 2015
Wing b-beats of s-screeching hate. H-head full of s-shrieking pain. Just a day by the sea? #thegulls. #inklings
— Mad Robot Comics (@MadRobotComics) October 24, 2015
'Maybe I should keep her.' His mind toyed with the idea, wondering how she would dance and sing. How she would bleed for him. #inklings
— D. Ann Williams (@CreateEditPub) October 24, 2015
The fog settled on the city like a hand, he thought, grasping the skyscrapers. He wondered if they would be there when it lifted. #inklings
— Stephen Hunt (@chippychatty) October 24, 2015
He came home, took off his jacket, shirt, tie, pants. He looked at his skin, smiled, then began to peel. #inklings
— Inklings Press (@InklingsPress) October 24, 2015
Smelling her own blood made her realize that the dream was not a dream and as she looked at the fang marks she knew. Goodbye world #inklings
— Carly Monteith (@MonteithCarly) October 24, 2015
"What do you mean, 'we are out of coffee'?!" #supershorthorror #inklings
— Brent A Harris (@BrentAHarris1) October 24, 2015
We've even had our first review, a five-star review exclaiming "Exciting!" Short and to the point. Thank you! We'd love to hear more feedback from reviewers. Let us know what you think!
Ha! There were some great responses!