Inklings Press speaks to Mexican writer Alei Kotdaishura - one of the authors featured in our Tales From The Tavern fantasy anthology.
Press started out as a group of fellow writers encouraging one
another – how did that project help you?
I was the last one to join the group and I almost missed it! Ricardo
had told me about the project, but I wasn’t really sure whether I
could actually write something theme-specific and with a limited word
count. Also, I hadn’t written anything but work-related documents
for almost six years, so I was a bit unsure of whether I could still
write fiction. This project helped me to get in touch again with my
creative side.
group is scattered quite widely around the world – was that a
problem? How did you manage to keep one another on track?
the beautiful part of living in this era. Internet connections
actually make things easy and you can catch up either by phone or via
PC. I think the hardest part was the difference in time zones, but
having a common forum made everything easy to keep up to date.
your location play into the kind of fiction you write? Are you
inspired by your surroundings? If not, what has proven to be your
per se has not been part of the inspiration, although maybe the
culture has. We see hear so much outrageous and absurd news in
Mexico that it’s not surprising if we become rather cynical and
tend to make jokes of what we see and hear every day.
part of my inspiration I’ve always been a fan of the fantastic
genre, be it urban, high or epic fantasy. In fact, some of my
favorite authors of the genre are Terry Pratchett, David Eddings,
Patrick Rothuss and Cornelia Funke, although I do feel a bit bothered
about the current tendency of writing sagas instead of self-contained
books. I also get some inspiration from ancient myths, D&D role
playing games, RPG videogames and Japanese manga.
long have you been writing fiction, and what gave you the impetus to
become a published writer?
been writing on and off since I was about eight years old, but I
started writing actual stories until high school, and even fanfics
for a little while, although most of my stories have never been
shared with anyone aside my closest family. The opportunity to
actually become published was so far from my mind I still can’t
believe it.
do you most enjoy about your own work?
this was the first time I wrote comedy. My sister has always
complained that my stories tend to have bad endings so I had to make
an effort to have a plot twist while avoiding bad endings and I am
rather proud of it.
are you most trying to convey in your story?
is a phrase in Mexico that we are told a lot during history classes:
“History is made by those who tell it”; meaning that even if you
hear the official version of a story, it doesn’t really have to
have happened that way. I used this as inspiration for my story,
making fun about the clichés and tropes we read, for even though I
love the fantastic genre, most stories have young characters with
rather similar traits that make finding innovative stories somewhat
difficult nowadays.
the other stories in the publication, which one most attracted you,
and why?
couldn’t choose just one. Each story has a different feel and focus
within the same genre, so I’d recommend you read all of them.
is the first publication for Inklings Press. What future plans are
at the moment we’re working on a horror/mystery anthology for
October. This is another genre I haven’t actually tried much. I’m
familiar with Poe’s and Lovecraft’s works and I’m currently
reading Stephen King’s It as part of my research, but I’ve never
really been scared with horror stories, so this is a new challenge
for me.
are other projects coming along, so keep in touch!
Alei Kotdaishura has her story, True Story, published in Tales from the Tavern.
Tales From The Tavern, featuring stories by Leo McBride, Brent A. Harris, Alei Kotdaishura, Matthew Harvey and Ricardo Victoria, is available on Amazon here.
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Nice interview.