Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Task for the day

Righty ho, today's task is to assemble an ebook from scratch, including cover. The book this time will be the first two chapters of a novel by my buddy Ricardo Victoria. Version one of the book will be without table of contents, version two I'll have a go at incorporating that. Clock's just ticking 1pm, let's see how long it takes from beginning to end. Off we go.


  1. First note about Ricardo's work - it includes footnotes, which will be interesting to figure out how to incorporate.

  2. 13.41, initial format complete, including front cover. Footnotes link not working, however, so time to figure that out!

  3. Hm, interesting - I can easily create a footnote that, when clicked, takes you to the explanatory text. But finding the way to link back to where you last were is proving more troublesome.

  4. Troublesome is true - set that aside for now as it seems to be a bit of a hiccup in the conversion process. The footnote works, but then the reader is left isolated with no way back to their starting point. Essentially, a hyperlink is needed within the document, but the conversion process from .doc or .odt to epub or mobi format seems to throw that off. Investigation on the internet finds suggested solutions, so far all badly phrased.

    On the bright side, table of contents sorted, quickly and easily.

  5. Final recap: Production of document, cover and table of contents probably the work of under an hour.

    Please note, this is nothing to do with the process of editing or generating the image for the cover, which is a very different process. But once copy and image are generated, creating the ebook is a very simple process. Pesky footnotes aside.
